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Murphy announces $16.12 million funding for affordable housing projects across state

Yesterday, Gov. Phil Murphy (D-N.J.) announced that $16.12 million in funding will come through the Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF). – Photo by Governor Phil Murphy / Twitter

Yesterday, Gov. Phil Murphy (D-N.J.) announced that $16.12 million will be awarded to various affordable housing projects across New Jersey.

He said the funding will come through the Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF) and will be provided to local community organizations focused on housing equity in their areas.

Murphy said the funding will go mainly to smaller-scale housing projects of approximately 25 or fewer units, which often have difficulty obtaining financing. These housing include municipal units, partnership-based housing and new innovative housing projects.

“Today’s (AHTF) awards announcement demonstrates that we are putting meaningful resources behind our words to help create more than 100 affordable housing units around New Jersey," he said. "We look forward to seeing these projects completed in the near future and to the future affordable housing that is developed as a result of this important trust fund.”

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