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U. selects writer, educator Roxane Gay as Gloria Steinem Endowed Chair

Roxane Gay, an educator, writer, editor and activist, has recently been appointed as the University's second Gloria Steinem Endowed Chair. – Photo by Roxane Gay / Twitter

The University recently announced that internationally known writer, editor and educator Roxane Gay has been selected as the Gloria Steinem Endowed Chair in Media, Culture and Feminist Studies, according to a press release.

The position is a collaboration between the Institute for Women’s Leadership, School of Communication and Information and Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies in the School of Arts and Sciences.

In addition to being the author of several books, Gay has a doctorate degree in rhetoric and technical communication along with years of teaching technical and creative writing experience around the U.S., according to the release.

The Steinem chair position was initially established in 2018 to acknowledge the leadership of feminist and activist Gloria Steinem as well as to retain and recruit scholars to bring social change and new media to the University, according to the release.

The endowment is a three-year position, and Gay is the second recipient of the endowment, following the inaugural chair Naomi Klein. The search for Klein’s successor began in September 2021, according to another press release.

As chair, Gay will host writing workshops to explore topics such as trauma and cultural criticism which will help students to strengthen their writing and create social change. 

“I am truly honored to serve as the new Gloria Steinem Endowed Chair at Rutgers," Gay said. "I walk and work in the footsteps of the many feminists and womanists who came before me, and (Klein) is one of the giants among those women. I look forward to joining and contributing to a vibrant intellectual community both on and beyond campus." 

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