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Cover All Kids campaign to expand health care to children across state, regardless of immigration status

Gov. Phil Murphy (D-N.J.) announced the launch of the Cover All Kids campaign's second phase on January 1, further expanding overall health care eligibility throughout New Jersey. – Photo by @GovMurphy / Twitter

Yesterday, Gov. Phil Murphy (D-N.J.) spoke publicly regarding his administration’s aims to provide all children across New Jersey with health insurance regardless of their immigration status through the Cover All Kids campaign, according to a press release.

The first phase of the campaign, which launched in 2021, aided in removing the 90-day waiting period that was required for children to receive coverage after they enrolled in the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) as well as additional fees that were required to enroll.

As part of the campaign’s second phase, children who are younger than 19 years old and whose family falls under income eligibility requirements were allowed to obtain Medicaid coverage regardless of their immigration status as of January 1, according to the release.

Since the campaign launched, more than 47,000 eligible children living in New Jersey have become insured by NJ FamilyCare. Additionally, the most recent expansion of eligibility is expected to cover approximately 16,000 children.

"Every child should have access to health care," Murphy said. "By helping more children get NJ FamilyCare coverage regardless of their immigration status, we are working to make New Jersey a fairer, more affordable place for all to live."

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